Frequently Asked Questions

I'm stuck. How do I set this up for my website?

You can find a generic website setup tutorial in the Knowledgebase. The process for setting up protection for a website should be simple, requiring only at a minimum that you:

  1. Configure your protection service communicate with your backend server.
  2. Update your DNS to the provided details, or utilize the provided DDoS protected DNS service.

How many Website Domains can I host on your service?

By not specifying a domain name in the port entry (HTTP) or if using any form of TCP port forwarding (no HTTP filtering) an unlimited number of domain names can be protected. If each domain (and subdomains) are set up as individual zones (such as for customized mitigation or caching) then they will be counted as individual ports and subject to port limits.

How long does it take for DNS to propagate?

Any time that DNS changes are made, you need to wait for propagation to complete. Propagation can take up to 48 hours, however often requires much less.

How do I get the Real IP of a visitor from a HTTP Reverse Proxy?

The real IP of the connecting client is available in the X-Real-IP header.For more information including setup instructions see the Knowledgebase page.

Some components of my site aren’t loading

There are two common causes of this:

  1. By default the filtering is set up for a site with less than 20 embedded resources. The Rate Limiting settings should be adjusted if you have significantly more.
  2. Ensure any firewall or rate limiting on your backend is disabled. Your provider / web host may be doing this on your behalf.

How do I protect a FTP/SSH port?

Firstly, is this really what you want? FTP and SSH are typically privileged private services and should not be available on publicly accessible ports. To this effect, SSH over port 22 is currently restricted. If you require this, use a TCP DMZ entry, although we would instead recommend that instead a port other than 22 be used, FTP uses a large, and often dynamic port range for communication due to this we have a special port type of "FTP" to proxy this protocol.

What are your name servers?

If you are setting up your domain to use our DNS system then our nameservers are and