We have many clients currently using our services for running Retro / Habbo Emulation servers. While we don't have any specific support for these services they do work on our service.


You should try and avoid having your emulator server too far away from the proxy server. This means an EU based proxy for EU based backends and a US based proxy for US based backends. This is noticeable as walk lag.

Secure Sessions

Some emulators check that the connecting client IP is the same as the one a secure session has been issued to. As all connections are routed through our server if you are not sending your site traffic through the DDOS protection as well then this would lead to a conflict in IP address.

Phoenix based emulators: to disable secure sessions change the value of enable_securesessions to 0 in the server_settings table.

Connection limits

Some Emulation servers include per-IP connection limits by default. These need to be raised, all connections will be coming from a single IP (the proxy server) as such this limit needs to be raised to the maximum number of Clients you are going to allow total.

Butterfly based emulators: In butterfly based emulators such as BcStorm the configuration variable may be game.tcp.conperip

Phoenix: In phoenix based emulators do not enable anti-ddos as this imposes a connection limit per IP.


Ensure that you do not IP ban the proxy. Some emulators have a configuration option to disable IP bans.

BCStorm in ModerationBanManager.cs change after internal void BanUser(GameClient Client, string Moderator, double LengthSeconds, string Reason, bool IpBan) { add IpBan = false;

Phoenix: in your settings table ensure ip_lastforbans is 0 (this does not work in all versions).

in the decoded version find if (!class11_0.method_2().bool_0) before it add bool_0 = false;

You will then need to re-compile your emulator. The latest version do not require this providing anti ddos is turned off.

Ive banned my IP, now what?

You will need to remove the ban, find the ban in the database and remove the row.

Bufferfly based emulators (BCStorm): look in your bans table for a ban with the value of your proxy IP.

Testing your retro

We have an in-development testing tool available here. Please report if the tool reports any false positives. It may not work for all retros due to its simplistic design.